Posted by Sue Foster


On Tuesday April 17, 2018, at Twenty Valley Public School, a very successful Bike Safety Rodeo was held. The Rotary Club of Lincoln, in partnership with Heart Niagara, put on the safety rodeo for grades 5 & 6 students. Community partners included Public Health, School Boards, School Board's Transportation Consortium, Active Transportation groups and Municipalities. Funding is from the Government of Ontario and the Rotary Club of Lincoln.
Certified CAN-BIKE instructors ( Canada's leading cycling education program) taught cycling safety, such as hand signals, required safety gear, bicycle/helmet fit, bike safety, traffic safety and rules of the road. Bike mechanic volunteers Rotarian Michael Hahn and community volunteer Jarret Gnys from Mountainview Cycling did a thorough inspection of the kids bikes and did minor repairs such as brake adjustment inflating tires, brake line replacement and installation of bells if the bike did not have one. Thank you David Fisk official pump mechanic insuring all tires inflated to required specifications and Valerie Pitt the official bell installer for the rodeo.  Rotarians Martha Kralt, Barb Mitges, Sue Foster and community partner Christine Hahn helped with the instruction and provision of snacks for the participants.