Ready For Delivery

As part of the Rotary 7090 Strategic Plan activities and in response to recent feedback from Presidents and Assistant Governors, we have 10 topics that are ready for delivery.

Why dialogues and not presentations?  One size does not fit all.  There are tons of ideas, resources and materials we can share with you but delivering a standard talk on “membership” or “public image” is not what you are saying you want.  You want it customized to your club and its current situation.  So we will have interactive dialogues with you and connect you to resources.  We will share with you ideas of what other clubs in our district are doing.   We will help you identify some next steps so the ideas are moved into action to help your club be the best it can be (our district mission). 

Where can these dialogues be delivered?  Ideally, they are done through Zoom or zoom-like technology.  You tell us what is best - do you want one of these topics to take the place of your club speaker?  Or do you want to have this dialogue at the Board Room table?  Or do you want it to happen at one of your clubs committee meetings?  You tell us what would work best for you.