Monthly issues of the District 7090 Newsletter are located on this page. To find a past or current issue, please click on the link in the menu to the left.
Guidelines for article submission to newsletter: Send an email to Patti Johnson at
Please send full name of person who wrote article, name of club and email address.
Submit information from your club on what it is doing or international projects, fundraisers, speakers, new members, Paul Harris Fellows, are all newsworthy. If you need some examples, check out the newsletter listed in the left margin.
Items of Interest:
International service - service projects performed for humanitarian benefit/relief.
Community service - community service projects/programs undertaken by your club - photos of Rotarians working on it.
Membership - new members inducted, Paul Harris Fellows, perfect attendance.
Event - publicize the event in the club events calendar section of the newsletter.
Details of Submission:
Send me your article or caption accompanied by a photo generally around the middle of the month.
Please note that it is most helpful if you send your information as attachments - the article as a Word document and the photo as a separate jpeg (photo file). Please name the article and the photo (your club and event, eg., JamestownAMGardenProject.jpeg. & JamestownAMGardenProject.doc - otherwise, it is difficult matching the correct photo with the article or caption as I save them in a file until I am ready to publish.
Thank You,