GOODBYE 2020 - HELLO 2021

Some of you who know me - know that I love a good laugh.  Here are some quotes that have made me smile as we say goodbye to 2020:
  • “I have been social-distancing for so long that today I struck up a conversation with a spider.  Seems nice.  He is a web designer.”
  • “Coronavirus has turned us all into dogs.  We roam the house looking for food.  We are told “no” if we get too close to strangers and we get really excited about car rides and walks”. 
  • Or “My life seems like a test that I did not study for”.
Well, goodbye 2020.  And Hello 2021.  I know that I am personally so thankful for all that my Rotary club and my Rotary experience give me. 
  • At our club meetings, we laugh and we have interesting breakout sessions where we can have conversations with just a few individuals - just like we did when our meetings were in person. 
  • We can reach out and invite new people to join our meetings - many are excited by the zoom and hybrid opportunities offered today.  We have had five guests to our club's December meetings alone.
  • Our club (the Rotary Club of Hamilton AM) recently had a joint meeting with the Grand Island Rotary Club.  It was fun to see another club in action and hear how others do things.
  • At the District, your volunteers are working to make more training online (including the upcoming Rotary Leadership Institute).  We are also helping clubs with their strategic plans and their websites.  So many positive developments - it makes me smile.
It is so rewarding to be part of the Rotary movement that does so much good for this world.  As someone once said “Do good for others.  It will come back in unexpected ways”.  Thank you to all my Rotary friends and colleagues.  You fill me with many blessings and give me much strength. 
Bring on 2021 - with the help of my Rotary friends - I am ready for it!
Anne Bermingham
Governor Elect 7090