We are making history.  After 17 years of having 1.2 million Rotarians in our amazing organization, we now have 1.3 million - some even are reporting 1.4 million.  That is great because we can do more good in the world if there are more engaged Rotarians and their friends to bring change locally and globally.
In our own district, we are also at a net increase of members.  In fact we are the second fastest growing district of the 44+ districts in our zone.  This is because YOU are doing things to ensure all your members feel valued and engaged.  We are making some great strides in improving our retention rates.  Happy members are much more likely to have the energy and drive to create satellite & other types of innovative club models and invite people to join our clubs.
This month, I am asking you for a little bit more help as we run our STRENGTHENING ROTARY campaign.
What can you do to help?
  1. Find out if your club has some upcoming events that you could invite friends, family and work colleagues to attend.   Maybe a service event in March that focuses on one of our seven areas of focus.  Or perhaps a date and time that your club is taking part in the Great Lakes Watershed Clean-Up.  We are “people of action”.  Invite them to see you and others in action.
  1. If you have FaceBook, post one of the videos and images we have shared on our 7090 FaceBook page about what is Rotary and why is Rotary something we love.   Go to to check them out.  Scroll back to Feb 1 through Feb 22.  Pick one you like and share it with your friends.
  1. Take one of these videos and ask it to be shared at your club meeting.  Then have people describe why each of them is proud to be in Rotary.  Capture a few of the statements and publish those positive points on your website.  That is a great way to show your members that you value their opinions and perspectives.
OR take any other action that you think will strengthen Rotary for the current and future members!  Having just celebrated 117 year of Rotary, let's make our organization even stronger for the years to come.  The world needs more Rotary!