Building Communities/Bridging Continents

Planting Trees with GSE Korea Team at Conference

Happy New Year!

January is Rotary Awareness Month and it is an important part of my mandate as District Governor to work to increase the awareness of Rotary and its programs amongst our district membership.  These past six months, in concert with the club and district leadership team, we have worked hard to build upon the fine efforts of prior leaders to increase awareness of our Rotary work.  To highlight a few of our undertakings, I reflect on the following:


Training Director Kevin Crosby's  ongoing work with DGE John Heise and the Training team, specifically PDG PE Trainer Ralph Montesanto, on the PETS offerings for February - March sessions, (check the website for details) to develop upcoming PETS2  sessions, the upcoming District Training Team Seminar on February 5th, and District Assembly upcoming in May 2011.

Our three (3) Rotary Leadership Institute sessions held in strategic locations throughout the district to enhance Rotary knowledge amongst all attendees. Thank you to PDG Richard (Dick) Earne and the faculty of Shining Waters Division for their work in this undertaking.  


Foundation Director Art Wing orchestrated two workshops for our Foundation in September to continue to broaden the depth of our Foundation Committee members knowledge in the work of The Rotary Foundation.  Our district enjoys the expertise of ARRFC (Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation coordinators) Bob Bruce on our Foundation team.


Membership Director Jacquie Herman-Wing with her team players occupied attendees with an engaging membership workshop late fall.


Service Projects Director Jack Amico with his team has several projects underway to fully engage our Rotary membership in SERVICE opportunities.   Check out the 2010-2011 WCS Approved Projects catalogue on the district website!



PR Director Paul McAfee leads the charge in helping us spread the word about our Rotary clubs.  I hope that your club has subscribed to be part of our 2011 radio Rotary PR campaign.

And finally, New Generations Director Kevin Crouse with his band of committee chairs commits to ongoing involvement in our programs with Youth.   


Yes, we have a strong army of resources in our team of Directors, committee chairs, and seasoned committee members, our Assistant Governors, our college of Past District Governors¸ our Executive Secretary, our District Treasurer, our DGE, and DGN.  We are building AWARENESS!


I hope that many of you have participated in some, if not all, of the events held in these past months.  There are more sessions planned for the balance of this Rotary Year so sign up now to increase YOUR ROTARY AWARENESS and build your club to its full potential.  We are BIGGER BETTER BOLDER!


As Rotarians, please be AWARE of the needs of your communities and make use of our Rotary Programs to continue in service to Building Communities, Bridging Continents.


Yours in Rotary Service


Karen L. Oakes