We are very pleased to report our selection of the Vocational Training Team project for the coming Rotary Year 2016-2017.   Our selection is to District 9790 in Australia.  The primary focus will be Fruit Farming and our District VTT would potentially go there late this calendar year.  District 9790 has made a commitment and to their credit their VTT chair has experience with previously successful VTTs.  Our entire District has a wealth of potential with highly experienced candidates in fruit farming to fulfill the training needs of their District.  Shortly, we anticipate starting the application process for the selection of a Rotarian Team Leader and 3-4 Team Members.  We expect the process to be highly competitive with some difficult choices ahead of us as we select just the right team to go outbound!
The level of interest in Vocational Training Teams has built considerably with the great success of our 1st VTT venture to District 7020 St Maarten and Anguilla.  We have been blessed this year with four (4) VTT Applications for the 2016-2017 District Grant.  We truly appreciate all the interest and efforts that have gone into making these proposals. We have had the very difficult task of making a single choice from all these varied applications. Each and every application had immense potential.  However in the final analysis we are charged to select the one application that evidenced the greatest capacity for our District to collaborate with another District to work together in building a successful Vocational Training Team experience.
Once we receive RI’s approval for this District Grant, which typically has been in early August, our District can then commit to firmly making plans for this VTT to District 9790. As this process develops, we will be soliciting the Rotarian Team Leader as well as Team Members, which can be Rotarians or Non-Rotarians of any age!
We wish to thank everyone for their involvement and efforts in this worthwhile Rotary District Grant.         
Daniel F Smith                                                                                                                                                            
VTT Chair, Rotary District 7090