DG John’s January Message
January is the time of renewal and the month in which many of us make resolutions and promises to ourselves. January is also Rotary Awareness Month. As we reflect on our Rotary selves, can we resolve to learn more about Rotary and to share it with others?
As we go through our daily lives, interacting with others, such as family, friends, business or professional contacts, and customers, let us remember Rotary. Share the joys of being a Rotarian. Wear your Rotary pin or cap or shirt; display the four-way test in your office or place of business; invite a friend or co-worker to a Rotary meeting. There are many ways to share the joys of Rotary and service.
Promise yourself to learn more about Rotary and The Rotary Foundation. Visit the District and Rotary International websites. Plan on attending a Rotary Learning Institute session and/or the District Assembly. Learn more about the service projects in which your club is involved. Visit a neighboring club for a make-up. Attend a function of a neighboring club. Join and participate in the District 7090 Linked-in group. Attend a District Council meeting. All of these will add to your understanding of Rotary and/or the District. Choose one and add to your knowledge of Rotary.