Starting the week of January 31, 2022 - we are trying something new aimed at supporting and helping all of our clubs in our District.
It is based on some recent research that has been done by our Zone that found the Rotary clubs with strong attraction rates of new members and low attrition rates of current members not renewing their membership, shared five key characteristics.
1. These vital clubs get the message out clearly and effectively about what Rotary is and what is our impact.
2. They create a sense of pride in their club by showcasing to the members and the community how we help our local and global community.
3. Have membership goals (both attraction and attrition goals).
4. Take action to meet those goals with the help of Board / Membership committee.
5. Offer service projects where those who are not yet Rotarians are welcome.
    So ?
    So - in the week of January 31, your club’s President, President Elect, Public Image Lead and Membership Lead will receive a communication.  It will include three great videos that explain what Rotary is and what is our impact.  Your own District will also be posting these videos on our communication sites.
    We are asking your club’s leadership to pick which video you want to showcase on your club’s website page and social media page.  Or maybe you will post all three over the coming weeks. 
    Be sure to like and share the content that your club posts or what the district is posting.  Help us to get the message out loud and clear as to what Rotary is and how we help.
    In the second or third week of February, a second set of videos and messages will come out from the District to your club leaders.  This will focus more on who is a Rotarian and why you or some of your members love Rotary.  We will be encouraging clubs to take our messaging and add more customized messages about the impacts your specific club makes in your local as well as global community.
    The third part of this campaign will be your club inviting your members as well as not-yet-Rotarians to take part in two (ideally) service events.
    1. The first one is - if possible - in March where you can invite people to a hands-on project that your club is doing.  Might be one you had already planned such as helping stock up a food bank or distributing books to kids to read using our Rotary little lending libraries.  Be sure to connect it to one of the seven areas of focus of Rotary.
    1.  The second event is ideally between April 16-24 - as part of the Great Lakes Watershed Clean-Up - Year 2!   We hope your club will have a time, a location and a way to encourage and register non-Rotarians to join us!
    So please join me in working to strengthen our Rotary clubs - that we love so much so fewer people leave and more want to join us as we “serve to change lives”