When did you join Rotary? Why did you stay? Did your experience in Rotary lead you to engage your family, friends and neighbours in Rotary activities?
These are questions we all need to ask ourselves and reflect on what drew you to join Rotary, and keep you engaged as a member. Our personal experience in Rotary should be shared to attract new members and support these new members seek our their own Rotary Experience. 

We are all members in a club, with either in person or virtual meetings. Being a club member is just the beginning…..we are ALL MEMBERS OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL! We all have access to resources and engaging service opportunities offered in other clubs, collectively in our area of clustered clubs, our district, and yes Rotary Fellowships, Action Groups, and international programs. We can all engage in anything that Rotary has to offer, and yes, engage all youth for youth/age specific programs….there is so much! 
New clubs are being created to meet for a shared interest, an Rotary Area of Focus, service and fellowship. You will see many new clubs have created flexible club meeting opportunities, and add a good mix of service and fellowship. 
I encourage you to ask yourself the questions above, and find your best Rotary experience, both in your club, and expand your reach and grow your Rotary experience. It is the engaged Rotarians, their friends and families, and vibrant clubs that bring in new members, and create the best Rotary Member Experience that leads to retention.  
As your District Governor, I look forward to meeting YOU, and YOUR club at your service project, special event, or as your speaker for a club meeting. It is this networking and personal Rotary experience of service projects and fellowships that inspires me to Live My Life in Rotary!