On April 14, 2016 president Alice Klamer traveled with four individuals associated with International Needs to Guatemala to tour a medical clinic in Tecpan.  The purpose of the tour included assessing needs and immediate priorities needed at the clinic: in Guatemala 85% of children under the age of five are chronically malnourished, 45 % are acutely malnourished and the national average is 42%.
While there, Alice had the opportunity to connect with other Rotarians to spark an interest in raising much needed funds for the clinic.  On April 19, 2016, Alice visited the Rotary Club of Guatemala Sur.  She was surprised to learn that there were no female members, a definite cultural difference.  Alice brought greetings from the Rotary Club of Lincoln and presented the club’s banner to the president of the club, Carlos.  Alice also distributed close to 100 Canadian flag pins to the group and in return Alice received a mug from the club with the four-way test in Spanish on the mug.
The presentation and meetings were set up by International Needs to help gain some traction in getting partners to mobilize this clinic for the benefits of the local Guatemalans, particularly mothers and children.