Thanks to our new (returning for a 3rd year) president and our supportive community, Rotary Club of Salamanca met and doubled their financial goal for helping the Rail Museum of Salamanca.

Last year, the long standing Director of the museum and life long Rotarian, Gerald Fordham passed away. Whenever someone like Mr. Fordham dies there is a gap. Its hard to fill the duties that someone so devoted made look easy. The volunteer now stepping up to do the job is Stan Carlson.  Stan needed help to keep the place going, and Elaine called on her grant writing abilities as well as our club to organize a fundraiser.  Stan promises he has volunteers to do the cleaning and painting if we could provide funds for paint and other supplies.  A beautiful afternoon of music, baskets, hot dogs and cold drinks proved to be the answer! We raised about $1500 in one afternoon, which for our club is wonderful.
Elaine is an example of what Rotary spirit can accomplish. She also wrote two grants for the Rail Museum AND gathered donations for the event from her hospital bed following a knee replacement ! Keep going Elaine and Rotary !