I want to remind all clubs that sharing the great things you do helps all of us see what is happening in our District. Words into Action, is a part of the District website where you can highlight your local or international efforts. Send me your stories with a photo or two and I will see they get entered. But just as important, if you have not gone to the site, now is the time. Here is the website. http://www.clubrunner.ca/dprg/dxprogramhome/_programhome.aspx?did=7090&pageid=32741 Remember the drill. Left click your mouse on the address, right click, and select "open hyperlink" and there you are!


This is Magazine Month when we are reminded of the importance of good communication and public relations; but, there are additional ways to get our message out. We need to move along that continuum of the Rotary Experience and further develop our knowledge of Rotary and our desire to serve by using tried and true methods, but also by trying new methods. We are Rotarians; we are proud of who we are and what we do! We Make Dreams Real.